over the river, through the woods, down a dirt road, and past the red barn ...
Date: Saturday, December 15 @ 11:49:10 EST
Topic: Events

... to Jono's house we go ...

Well, it's the Christmas season again, so the crazyfarts crew has packed up our not-so-meager possessions and dispersed into the four winds ... that is to say, 75% of us have Toledo as our final destination ... and who ever knows where Ryan is anyway? The pre-exodus preparations were an adventure to say the least ...

Finals week was a nightmare for all involved, and the stress seemed to reach a level where everyone just kind of shut down. Ryan missed an exam, which was funny ... and I personally couldn't seem to induce myself to care about anything.

Thursday night was planned to be the birthday dinner for Ryan's Kara. About this time, Ryan became obsessed with the word "liquidate" ... we're liquidating the fridge, liquidating our possessions, liquidating Jim's mom ... oh wait, that only happened last night, with me. Anyway, for the didnner we cooked up almost everything we had in the fridge. It was a regular feast - tortellinin alfredo, rigatoni with tomato sauce, ceasar salad, and a very tasty spicy sausage courtesy of Phil. Only problem was, we only had six people, and no hope of eating it all. I ended up donating some of it to the girl working at the front desk.

The next day it was time to "liquidate" the remainder of the fridge's contents ... and later that day, I finally discovered the source of the infamous "fridge stink". See, a few weeks ago, I bought some chicken breasts to cook for a friend of mine who was going to come visit from Columbus. She was rerouted at the last minute to Detroit (God knows why) and I forgot about the chicken altogether. Oh, if only I'd stuck them in the fridge instead ... anyway, I took them home for my mom to cook, and wow! did my car start to reek! They went out the window halfway through the trip ... and good riddance.

This article comes from crazyfarts dot com

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