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Funky House Music - Manchester Style
Ch-check it - the latest funky house music brought to you via podcast fortnightly by Manchester's DJ Cruze. You can check it here: Cruze brings his weekly countdown to the show adding in great info on the artists, producers, and record labels. Banging beats are non-stop on this podcast. Cruze digs deep in the record bins for his "Cruze Classics" to wrap up each show. Most certainly worth the listen. Manchester is definitely in the house.



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Re: Funky House Music - Manchester Style (Score: 0)
by CFdC Fan on Tuesday, January 10 @ 13:12:49 EST
As someone who has also listened to these podcasts- The mix is fresh, clean, and original. This is not your everyday house. This is funk. So, go ahead, try it... The brand new flava' in ya'ear.

Re: Funky House Music - Manchester Style (Score: 0)
by CFdC Fan on Thursday, January 12 @ 19:55:07 EST
I too happened across this very podcast a week or two ago. It is very tight and well worth the listen if you're into house. JJ