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Save the Ghetto
So, I'm walking through the mall the other day, and some dude comes up to me and says "Hey, dude, I love that shirt!!!" I turn around to see this dude sitting there just staring at my shirt, and he goes "Save the Ghetto, that's gotta be the best shirt I have ever seen, where'd ya get it?" I of course responded "The University of Dayton." Then he offers to trade shirts right there and then in the middle of the mall. He was so enthusastic about aquiring a Save the Ghetto shirt that he wanted to buy mine off of me. It was great. Afterwards, Kelly turns to me and says " I always wondered when you might get beat up or asked about that shirt."


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Re: Save the Ghetto (Score: 1)
by thorax on Monday, April 19 @ 19:38:19 EDT
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"Greatest... shirt... ever!"

I get the same looks whenever and whereever I wear mine. I may have to come buy Rudy's someday and get a new one... mine's over five years old!

"It's time to save the ghetto
To stop their inward cry
They recognize his name
But his power they deny."

Re: Save the Ghetto (Score: 1)
by ldog ( on Thursday, April 22 @ 21:14:53 EDT
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It will always be the Ghetto To me. Heck I will volunteer to make T-shirts and start undergrounding it.......Its a civi duty of sorts.....just like it was with Alberta back in the day.....I loved the shirt that said, "Its Alberta Dammit!"